Tag Archives: Automatic tilt

Serena Smart Wood Blinds by Lutron Review – 6 Months Later

Serena Smart Wood Blinds by Lutron Review - 6 Months Later Automatic tilt

A long term review of the Serena Smart Wood Blinds by Lutron, the main features, how they’ve held up over the past 6 months, any downsides we’ve run into, and if we’d recommend getting them. Helpful links: Serena Shades website: https://www.serenashades.com/products/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA3smABhCjARIsAKtrg6IDbOatf_vQ0mmku-7GlY9AWl3juG1MSgutrU44JnDV09Fm6RNA6gYaAoh4EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:37 Design 1:48 Installation 3:03 Blinds Set-up 3:48 Lutron App features…